Wednesday 7 June 2017

Novelty: Do Straight Men Check Each Other Out?

This question has been asked dozens of times - do straight men check each other out?  I think all men would 'peep' even if it is just out of curiosity.  This is of course debatable.

I think this question is best answered with an illustration of a real-life encounter.   This encounter is imprinted in my mind and convinced me to derive at my conclusion.  

I was at a inter-religious meeting in the Philippines.  There were heads from different faith including Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism - you name it, they were all there.  The topics discussed were varied and interesting.  One topic which generated active participation from the floor was the liturgy of the human body.  Directly after this topic, the meeting adjourned to be convened after a 30-minute break.

During the break, some of us headed to the toilet first before having our refreshments.  I was one of them.

The toilet had on one side of the wall, a row of 4 urinals.  The Protestant pastor was the first to reach the urinals and instead of using the one at the far end, he chose to stand right in the centre.  I took the one at the other opposite end.  

Then a Catholic priest walked in but went into a cubicle, locked the door and did his business in absolute privacy. Next a Buddhist monk strolled in and did like wise the Catholic priest.  
A Taoist master was next to enter and he stood between me and the pastor who was still standing at the urinal after like 2 full minutes.  I suspected he was into the same game as me.  I looked sideways and caught the Pastor looking over to check out the Taoist master.  The poor Taoist must have felt rather disconcerted, having two guys, one on his left and the other on his right were checking him out blatantly.  He moved in closer to the porcelain urinal, in a futile effort to shield his jewels from our gazes.  But his efforts were quite futile really.  He was quite well endowed, and we know it is never easy to try to hide a large package.  After he finished urinating, he quickly pushed his penis into his pants and walked away.  
The Pastor remained at his position.  He looked at my direction and when our eyes met, he gave me a wink.  I smiled back.  

Soon after this, another guy (a Pinoy from the audience) came in and stood between us.  I looked over a the pastor and he was, again, checking out the new guy.  The new guy looked at me and made small talk.  After he finished urinating he stroke his penis up and down.  His dick responded by becoming a little plumper (not erect).  He continued talking to me about my presentation earlier in the morning, as his hand continued to stroke his dick.  I looked over at the Pastor and good golly, he was practically leaning over looking at the poor Pinoy's dick with such hunger in his eyes. 
So you see, I came to the conclusion that even straight guys check others out in the toilet. And not just any straight guy would, even a pastor was caught by me checking out other guy's dicks.  

Finally we both walked out of the toilet about the same time.  Standing outside the toilet, a very smart looking woman was waiting for him.  He immediately introduced her to me as his wife.  For the rest of the tea break, he was busy introducing his wife to several others at the conference.  

For the rest of the conference, we pretended nothing ever happened that day in the toilet.

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